by dperkins | Jun 17, 2014 | Blog
Making thinking public and visible outside of the normal classroom walls is a great way to help engage students in meaningful and purposeful work. Teachers often fall into the trap of having students present their work to classroom peers or even just the teacher....
by dperkins | May 13, 2014 | Blog
Recently I recorded and posted a great Google Hangout on our YouTube channel with Jill Ackers of the Dallas Spanish House in which we explored project based learning in her elementary and pre-K Spanish immersion school. One of the things we touched on was how...
by dperkins | Mar 31, 2014 | Blog
As Google Hangouts on Air has evolved it’s become a great tool to curate and share learning. I’ve certainly enjoyed the live panel discussions I’ve done around the Next Generation Science Standards and Literacy for 21st Century Learners pulling...
by dperkins | Feb 25, 2014 | Blog
Guest Blogger David Cook is Director of Innovation and Partner Engagement at the Kentucky Department of Education. One of the most exciting movements in education today is the competency based learning movement. The term “competency based learning” is sometimes...
by dperkins | Feb 20, 2014 | Blog
Good teachers don’t get the recognition they deserve. So when I wonder aloud here whether we should do away with things like Teacher of the Year awards it’s not because I think they shouldn’t be honored and noticed; it is quite the contrary. We, at...