by dperkins | Jan 13, 2014 | Blog
Rigor is a word that gets thrown around in meetings, planning documents and social media amongst educators. But what exactly is rigor? Anyone who has been in education for long can attest to the pervasiveness of buzzwords. Heck there’s even an online Educational...
by dperkins | Dec 16, 2013 | Blog
Occasionally I come across a teacher who expresses concern about moving toward the ideal of a highly evolved PBL type classroom where students are self-initiating much of their thinking and actions. As teachers many of us are more familiar with a teacher-directed...
by dperkins | Nov 13, 2013 | Blog
Please make plans to join us for a Google Hangout panel discussion via our YouTube channel as we bring together four experts to discuss literacy in the 21st Century. We’ll explore new research showing a major shift from reading to writing in recent years and...
by dperkins | Nov 11, 2013 | Blog
Recently I came away excited from an informational session at the Innovate to Learn Institute on the new C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards by lead writer Kathy Swan Ph.D. because of the emphasis on inquiry, communication and action, all hallmarks of...
by dperkins | Oct 30, 2013 | Blog
Please make plans to join us for a Google Hangout discussion via our YouTube channel as we bring together four experts to discuss the what, why and how of the Next Generation Science Standards. To participate tune in to our YouTube...