
Thinking Routines using the ALM

In this post we explore different ways and purposes for creating thinking routines that group students in different ways to maximize student interaction.

Time Management Skill Development

A discussion of formatively assessing time management to assist students in developing and refining their understanding of the skill.

Time Management

Background Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. It is believed that good time management enables you to work more efficiently so that you get more done in less time. Additionally time management...

Time Management Routines

  In the previous post, we shared research about time management and its potential implications. We believe it is important to make sure our work is grounded in research and not anecdotal evidence. We do believe teacher experience is critical to helping students...

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The Research Behind Artful Reading

The Research Behind Artful Reading

Artful Reading, when implemented with fidelity in classrooms, will improve teacher practice and effectiveness and improve student outcomes in literacy. Shanahan, in his 2010 What Works Practice Guide (IES), points to a set of  six requirements for reading...

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Vocabulary Development in the Arts & Humanities Classroom

Vocabulary Development in the Arts & Humanities Classroom

Students often feel overwhelmed in the arts and humanities classrooms because the vocabulary is a mixed bag of words derived from other languages that seem simple but have substantial weight when considered in context or words that cross disciplines with similar, but nuanced meanings in each content area. 

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