CTL's Postsecondary Skills Model

CTL’s Postsecondary Success Skills Model (PSSM) supports the development of cognitive and non-cognitive skills, such as creativity or time management, through content area instruction in grades K-12 using CTL’s Four Pillar Framework. 

PSSM is for both teachers and students:

The model supports teachers in the process of integrating cognitive and non-cognitive skills into their everyday classroom instruction with the goal of aligning expectations for students across courses and grade levels.

The model provides student learning resources that help them develop and practice their skills through content learning. Educators support students as they set goals, reflect, and make decisions in a process that is critical to becoming proficient.


Identify, Align, Design, Reflect CTL's Postsecondary Skills Framework
The reflection and decision making process

Credential Pathways for Teachers and Administrators

Postsecondary Skills Pathways for Districts, Teachers, Students
CTL's Research-based Postsecondary Skills

Building the future with Frankfort Independent Schools.

Frankfort Independent Schools is focused on building the capacity of all FIS students to be successful upon graduation. To that end, they began a five-year journey with CTL to build tomorrow’s graduates, today!