CTL’s Adolescent Literacy Model (ALM) provides a framework for understanding and improving literacy across all content areas, including mathematics. The ALM emphasizes the importance of developing students' ability to read, write, and communicate effectively within...
The Importance of Instructional Vision in School Improvement
Creating an instructional vision is crucial to the success of any school’s improvement efforts. It sets the foundation for student success.
Take the Mystery Out of School Improvement: A Leadership Framework
Our work with school and district leaders is grounded in education leadership and school improvement research and provides a roadmap for leading instructional change for improved student outcomes. Our goal is to facilitate the work of leadership teams as they identify...
Thinking Routines using the ALM
In this post we explore different ways and purposes for creating thinking routines that group students in different ways to maximize student interaction.
Wrapping Up the Year: Reflect, Recharge, and Onto Next!
As the school year draws to a close, it's a time of mixed emotions for many K-12 mathematics teachers. There's a sense of accomplishment in seeing your students grow, coupled with the exhaustion of months of hard work. As you prepare for a well-deserved break,...
Why Integrate Science, Literacy, and the Arts?: A Q & A with science educators Dr. Josh Smith and Sharon Cates
Dr. Ashley Perkins interviews science education educators Josh Smith and Sharon Cates, founders of Phenomenon Science Education, to discuss their collaboration on Artful Reading Science.
Reading Comprehension in the Related Arts Classroom
Physical education, music, and visual arts — these domains aren’t just about fun and creativity; they’re fertile ground for cultivating crucial skills, including reading comprehension.