by rodaniel | Jun 14, 2022 | Blog
Students struggle to share what they know about mathematics through writing, and it should not be surprise to anyone that students feel uncomfortable writing about mathematics. As math teachers, most of us don’t write about mathematics routinely (if ever). We were not...
by rodaniel | Dec 3, 2010 | Blog
I’ve recently been revisiting several blog posts and resources that I wrote in the last couple of years. My renewed focus on writing in math class is a result of reading several articles (Learning from Weblogs, Reducing Gender Achievement Gap, & Talkback Project)...
by admin | Sep 22, 2010 | Blog
In last month’s blog I was fresh off my ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) conference experience and shared some of my initial impressions of the conference. I have since moved beyond my stupefied phase, the desire to try every new tech tool I...
by admin | May 25, 2010 | Blog
As much as I dislike sitting down and crafting a completed writing product, I love writing to learn. Writing to learn adds to my understanding of content. As a student writing notes was an important part of my ability to do well on tests. I wanted to be a good student...