Struggles Are Teachable Moments

Struggles Are Teachable Moments

  I recently cleaned out my files and bookshelves with the goal of keeping only the essentials I want and need for providing professional development and support for educators. In the purging process, I came across Ted and Nancy Sizer’s gem from 1999 titled, The...

Connections to Mathematical Modeling

As part of CTL’s book study for the Focus in High School Mathematics Reasoning & Sense Making (FOCUS), this is the sixth in the series of those blog posts. Last time we looked at what the authors suggested for those Reasoning Habits that assists students in...


This blog is one of five posts for the CTL book study, FOCUS IN HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS REASONING & SENSE MAKING.  To date, We’ve looked at (see other posts):  Linking Expressions and Functions, More Than Meets the Eye (Example 9, pages 38-40) – a resource for...

Developing to Example 9, Reasoning & Sense-Making

As I read through Jo Ann’s last post about Example 9 from the book. I loved the connections to questioning and discourse that she developed. Example 9- ‘More Than Meets the Eye’ is definitely an opportunity for students to explore, predict, justify, check,...