by jmosier | May 10, 2013 | Blog
This begins a sharing blog of Mathematics CCSS sources that optimize professional learning opportunities for mathematics colleagues and hopefully affect student learning and engagement. Every additional post or comment will be dated, recognized, and posted. Roland...
by jmosier | Mar 12, 2013 | Blog
The Mathematics Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were finalized and published two years ago with all but four states adhering to their concepts and processes. There are two national assessment consortia charged with the development of the CCSS assessment system...
by jmosier | Jun 19, 2012 | Blog
As part of CTL’s book study for the FOCUS IN HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS REASONING & SENSE MAKING, this is the seventh in the series of those blog posts. This post expands our thinking to the Middle grades instruction to ask ourselves, how are those youngsters...
by jmosier | Jan 24, 2012 | Blog
As part of CTL’s book study for the Focus in High School Mathematics Reasoning & Sense Making (FOCUS), this is the sixth in the series of those blog posts. Last time we looked at what the authors suggested for those Reasoning Habits that assists students in...
by jmosier | Nov 8, 2011 | Blog
This blog is one of five posts for the CTL book study, FOCUS IN HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS REASONING & SENSE MAKING. To date, We’ve looked at (see other posts): Linking Expressions and Functions, More Than Meets the Eye (Example 9, pages 38-40) – a resource for...