by jmosier | Oct 4, 2011 | Blog
Just recently a colleague – Roland O’Daniel – sent me a link to an incredible source, Tools for the Common Core Standards, for accessing instructional prototypes/information regarding the Common Core Standards (CCS) . The CommonCoreTools blog is by far one of...
by jmosier | Sep 9, 2011 | Blog
Book Study Post 2 as it relates to “linking expressions and functions,” MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE (Example 9, pages 38-40) – a resource for promoting mathematical practices: #1 – Attend to precision; #2 – Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others....
by jmosier | May 24, 2011 | Blog
Recommendation 2: Instructional materials for students receiving interventions should focus intensely on in-depth treatment of whole numbers in kindergarten through grade 5 and on rational numbers in grades 4 through 8. These materials should be selected by...
by jmosier | May 10, 2011 | Blog
You are invited to join Roland O’Daniel and me, Jo Ann Mosier, from the CTL for a book study of NCTM’s, Focus in High School Mathematics Reasoning and Sense Making. Given that the April 2011 NCTM conference had numerous sessions on reasoning and sense making with...
by jmosier | Jan 28, 2011 | Blog
Recommendation 3 – Model problem solving, verbalizing thought processes, guided practice, corrective feedback, and cumulative reviews Connected to the CCSSO Standards and Instructional Recommendations This is the fourth in a series of five postings that connect the...