CTL Convenes Higher Ed Faculty On Teacher Leadership

CTL Convenes Higher Ed Faculty On Teacher Leadership

CTL Educational Programs and Leadership Specialist Mary Rudd calls it, “The beginning of a long conversation.” She’s describing the work CTL is doing in partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), convening higher education faculty from around the...

Teacher Leadership: Form & Function

Leading from the Front of the Classroom: A Roadmap to Teacher Leadership that Works, The Aspen Institute deftly divides the elements essential for teacher leadership into form – roles supported to ensure they can actually be fulfilled – and function – initiatives...
CTL Blog: Talking About Teacher Leadership

CTL Blog: Talking About Teacher Leadership

Creating Sustainable Teacher Career Pathways: A 21st Century Perspective, for example, Dr. Catherine Fisk Natale and others note, “Teacher leadership has been promoted as a means to professionalize teaching and reform schools…but its definition differs widely.” CTL is...

CTL Offers Leadership Support In Academic Rigor

Rigor Relevance Framework) for many years, providing clients and partners with a tiered approach to school improvement that involves working with administrative levels of support while teachers are engaged in ongoing learning about learning research, instructional...