by aperkins | Jun 16, 2023 | Blog
Book club (noun): a group of people who meet regularly to discuss books they are reading (Mirriam-Webster). I have been a member of a book club for the last 16+ years. We are a motley crew but the thing that ties us all together is our love for reading and fellowship....
by admin | Feb 28, 2014 | Blog
CTL is excited to announce that Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) in Louisville, Kentucky has selected a team led by CTL as one of 12 semifinalists in the district’s School of Innovation Design competition. Forty-eight proposals were submitted. The...
by aperkins | Aug 28, 2013 | Blog
It’s late August and students, parents and teachers are sliding into back to school routines. Lunchboxes have been chosen. Backpacks have been selected. Notebooks have been purchased. Teachers have prepped their classrooms. Rosters are printed and teachers have...
by aperkins | May 14, 2013 | Blog
Summer reading is the single summer activity that is most related to summer learning (Heyns, 1978). However, summer reading experiences are not equitable for students from high poverty homes or areas as compared to their peers. Students, on average, attend school for...
by admin | Jul 26, 2011 | Blog
If, like me, you count among the simple pleasures of life browsing the shelves of a brick and mortar bookstore, you were deeply disappointed to learn recently that the Borders chain is going out of business. Here in Louisville, the loss of Borders is a...