by rodaniel | Sep 13, 2023 | Blog
Life is a journey marked by a series of decisions, each with the power to shape our experiences, opportunities, and the paths we navigate. Whether big or small, the choices we make carry the weight of consequence and the potential for growth. At the heart of this...
by rodaniel | Dec 5, 2022 | Blog
Research into critical thinking is clear that the skill can be taught and that it can be taught to young students as well. For CTL’s Postsecondary Success Skills Model, we use Robert H. Ennis’ (Emeritus Professor at the University of Illinois and author of several...
by dperkins | Feb 20, 2014 | Blog
Good teachers don’t get the recognition they deserve. So when I wonder aloud here whether we should do away with things like Teacher of the Year awards it’s not because I think they shouldn’t be honored and noticed; it is quite the contrary. We, at...
by aperkins | Jan 10, 2014 | Blog
Guest Blogger Stella Baker is an English Language Arts teacher at Owsley County Middle School. She has been teaching in Kentucky schools for 29 years. Over that period of time she has taught a variety of subjects and grade levels, but has always returned to middle...
by smcneely | Jun 12, 2012 | Blog
I’m all about a good thinking prompt, so I decided to put my head to end of the year reflective questions that could stir teacher thinking in those final days of school. Here’s the list I’ve come up with: What was the most successful lesson you...