It’s May in Kentucky and we are all hoping the rainy season is over. The Ohio River is finally easing back from flood stage. This is the time of year when schools are in testing and my work in schools is coming to a close.
I have been doing a lot of writing lately; reports, articles and trainings. This past weekend I took a break, dug out my art supplies and immersed myself in the language of the arts. Using watercolors, I experimented with color, line, and shape, amazed at the ways color popped off the paper and flooded together.
Abstract patterns emerged suggesting spidery connections, circuitous movement and networks of lines.
As I reflected on the separations and changes that are occurring in my life I realized this work represents threads that link me to the people with whom I have been working. Many of these relationships are coming to a close in their current settings. I’d like to share these Connections paintings, linking them to text from this post.