by admin | Jun 1, 2012 | Blog
When I began my career as a coach in 1995 I was thrown in with no training. Back then my title was technical assistance coach. I was given twenty-four schools to support and my charge was to help them implement a new program that required the teaching staff to make...
by admin | Sep 23, 2011 | Blog
A view from the field: Guest blogger Danny Osborne shares. This month brings to an end a five-year National a Striving Readers Grant. Recently I invited one of the participating principals to share his experiences and how his role as a principal has been impacted by...
by dwalker | May 13, 2011 | Blog
This year CTL will complete the fifth and final year in the federal Striving Readers Research Project, one of eight such projects in the nation. For the 21schools in 7 districts, efforts to sustain the use of the school wide PD model, CTL’s Adolescent Literacy Model...
by admin | May 28, 2010 | Blog
End of Year Conversation With A Coach Part 1 The 2009-10 school year is nearly over. I am finishing projects and spending time in schools working with literacy coaches I support as a mentor coach. I have been reflecting on this work and considering some questions:...