by dwalker | Oct 17, 2014 | Blog
What does the future hold for public education, and how can we shape the future to ensure that all our students benefit? A panel of expert educators and policy makers offered their suggestions built around the three themes of CTL’s 20th Anniversary Education Forum and...
by dwalker | Oct 14, 2014 | Blog
While my colleagues and I were planning CTL’s 20th Anniversary Education Forum and Celebration, we recognized that the three themes central to inventing the next 20 years of education—equity, innovation and systems change—were not separate but rather interrelated....
by dwalker | Oct 2, 2014 | Blog
CTL 20th Anniversary Blog Series: After the Event Action Steps to Foster Innovation Deborah Walker, Ed.D. CTL’s President and CEO At a September 9th convening in honor of CTL’s 20th anniversary, educational leaders and policy makers considered what is needed to...
by dwalker | Sep 16, 2014 | Blog
CTL 20th Anniversary Blog Series: After the Event Action Steps to Achieve Equity During CTL’s recent 20th Anniversary Education Forum and Celebration held at the Muhammad Ali Center in downtown Louisville, table groups of educators and policy makers developed...
by dwalker | Aug 25, 2014 | Blog
This is one of a series of posts leading up to CTL’s 20th Anniversary forum and celebration, September 9th at the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, KY. By Dr. Linda Hargan, CEO Emeritus, CTL In celebrating its 20th anniversary with an education forum on inventing the...