Mathematics is a crucial subject that serves as a foundation for many concepts, processes and skills that all students will need in their lives. The challenges faced by today’s educators when teaching elementary mathematics can have a profound impact on student learning and future success. In this blog post, I will explore some of the current challenges in teaching elementary mathematics and discuss potential solutions.
Standards, Assessment and Lack of Time
With the implementation of new standards and assessments, teachers and students alike may feel pressure to focus on test preparation rather than true learning. This can lead to a lack of engagement, poor

A kindergarten teacher works one-on-one with a student during a small-group math activity.
disposition toward learning mathematics and an overall limited understanding of mathematical concepts and skills. Aligning instruction with standards while preparing students for assessments is paramount. Prioritizing true learning and engagement is equally vital. Teachers can do this by focusing on rich, meaningful tasks that allow students to explore mathematical concepts in depth. Educators can also use formative assessments to track student progress and to promptly adjust instruction for individual students.
One of the primary challenges that educators face when teaching elementary mathematics is a lack of time. Teachers must cover a broad range of topics within a limited time frame, and this can make it challenging to provide the depth of instruction necessary for students to develop a strong foundation in mathematics. With so many competing demands on classroom time, educators are constantly searching for innovative ways to teach mathematics effectively. Solutions to these challenges might be to integrate mathematics concepts into other subjects, such as science and social studies. This approach not only saves time but also helps students to see how mathematics is relevant and connected to their daily lives. Teachers can also make use of technology to provide students with interactive and engaging math activities that students can complete at their own pace. While technology can be a useful tool for teaching and learning math, it is important to use technology thoughtfully and intentionally. Teachers should choose technology that enhances, rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods. Provide opportunities for students to collaborate and share resources in the classroom, even if they don’t have equal access to technology outside of school.
Inadequate Training
Many elementary school teachers do not have a strong background in mathematics, and this can make it challenging for them to teach mathematics effectively. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics recommends that elementary teachers receive a minimum of 9 semester hours of mathematics content coursework beyond elementary school mathematics, yet many teachers do not receive or pursue this level of training (NCTM, 2014). One solution to this challenge is to provide teachers with professional development opportunities that focus specifically on mathematics instruction. Teachers can attend workshops, conferences, and webinars in order to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to teach mathematics more effectively. Teachers can also collaborate with colleagues to share resources, strategies and expertise. Schools may consider hiring math coaches or specialists to work with teachers and support them in developing their pedagogical content knowledge.
Lack of Student Engagement
Math can be a challenging subject for many students, and this can lead to a lack of engagement and motivation. When students are disengaged, they are less likely to learn effectively and may struggle to grasp even basic concepts. One solution to this challenge is to regularly incorporate hands-on and interactive activities into instruction. Teachers can use manipulatives, games, and real-world examples to help students understand mathematics concepts in a more engaging and meaningful way. Teachers can also encourage student participation by providing daily opportunities for collaboration with peers such as by working in small groups.
Teaching elementary mathematics is a complex and challenging task, but with the right strategies and support, educators can overcome these challenges and help students to develop a strong foundation in mathematics concepts, processes and skills. By addressing issues such as lack of time, inadequate training, and lack of student engagement, teachers can create a more effective and engaging learning environment that promotes mathematics success for all students. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, we can ensure that all students have opportunities to succeed in their future academic and professional lives.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014). Mathematics preparation and professional development of teachers: A call to action. Reston, VA: Author.