Leading Out Loud

I am in constant pursuit of objects, videos, and stories that can serve as a metaphor to open participants’ thoughts for learning. I recently came across the video here and will be sharing it with our Striving Readers Literacy coaches this week as an appetizer...

What Do You Do? Part II in a Series

I had a friend once who liked to open my refrigerator whenever she came over for a visit,  just to get a sneak peek of my life via the foods I had on hand. This blog entry is partially inspired by those fridge glimpses, but also by a blogger I follow regularly who did...

What Do You Do?- Part I in a Series

On Sunday night I had a lovely evening with 5 delicious NYC friends. And so it goes, when we had chatted long enough about everything else there is to say, someone brought up the impossible question: “Sherri, what is it again that you do?” Sigh. We’ve been through...