Vacation Academies:
ENgaging & INperson

Accelerate student learning in math & literacy with our fun & engaging programs. Take advantage of programming designed to engage students in high quality activities, flexible in delivery, and tied to national and state standards. Provide your teachers the support they need in helping YOUR students bridge the learning loss gap.

CTL’s Artful Reading (AR) curriculum integrates the arts into literacy instruction while meeting both National Arts and Literacy standards. Artful Reading promotes a thoughtful approach to reading, writing, speaking, and listening by utilizing high-interest and varied texts, arts materials, and lesson plans. It engages students in visual arts, dance, music, and drama experiences to make more powerful literacy connections. Each module comes with a set of classroom materials and easy-to-follow lessons full of research-based literacy strategies.

Computational fluency relies heavily on automaticity with basic math facts. Teaching addition facts has traditionally neglected two of the four components of fluency (strategy use and flexibility) and instead focused only on accuracy and speed despite strong evidence that students in strategy-focused interventions outperform their peers on using strategies, automaticity and accuracy. Strategy use is an important outcome itself, not just a means to learning and retaining basic facts because strategies provide a foundation for general fluency. Visual images and strategy-focused games support student reasoning and learning. CTL’s Procedural Fluency Model engages students in focused, flexible learning of foundational mathematics knowledge.