CTL designs and facilitates a Literacy Leaders Cadre (LLC), which is intended for those individuals who work alongside teachers and can include instructional coaches, administrators, or district leaders. Cadre members deepen their own understanding of comprehensive literacy, explore and utilize best practices relative to the complex nature of teaching, and design a support plan for maximum impact in schools. The Literacy Leaders Cadre convenes as an in-person cohort, bringing together literacy leaders from across the state in an effort to learn, collaborate, and network. CTL also provides individualized distance support to Cadre members.
Members of the cadre will participate in on-going training in each year of the grant to support development of the skills for supporting systemic instructional change in the building or district level. Participants will work toward International Literacy Associations Middle and High School Coaching Standards.
Literacy coaching is a form of highly targeted professional development and can be a potent vehicle for improving literacy skills. CTL includes features identified as part of effective professional development:
- Grounded in inquiry and reflection
- Participant driven and collaborative, involving knowledge sharing among teachers and administrators within communities of practice
- Sustained, ongoing, and intensive
Each year of the grant the cadre convenes at least five times with specific focus and purpose for each convening.