KDE has a large bank of science tasks carefully designed to support teachers and students in developing the skills needed for success with the KAS for Science.  While many teachers use and greatly appreciate the value of these resources, some schools and districts have not embraced the potential of these tasks for a variety of reasons. This workshop offers a great opportunity to develop an understanding of how to maximize the use of these tasks and change classroom instruction consistent with the vision of Kentucky science standards and assessment of the standards.


Registration Deadline May 15, 2020

Workshop participants will:
…how the tasks are designed to elicit accurate evidence of student performance with respect to the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts, and actually deepen both teacher and student understanding of these dimensions of the standards.

…with a key designer of the task design process, as well as colleagues who will experience and plan for task use with you.

…for effective facilitation of these tasks and improve your understanding of assessment literacy.

…why many Kentucky teachers believe these tasks are one of the best resources for helping them understand the vision and implementation of Kentucky science standards.

Virtual Session Schedule 

June 1st, 9,am-10,am: Building for design and intended facilitation of the tasks. Assignment One.
June 3rd, 9 am-10 am: Reflections from Assignment One. Discussion/Activity. Assignment Two.
June 5th, 9 am-10 am: Reflections from Assignment Two. Discussion/Activity. Assignment Three
June 8th, 9 am-10 am: Reflection from Assignment Three. Discussion/Activity. Assignment Four
June 10th, 9 am-10 am: Reflections from Assignment Four. Discussion/Activity. Assignment Five.
June 12th, 9 am-10 am: Reflection from Assignment Five. Discussion/Activity. Planning Next Steps.

Who should attend?
Middle and high school science teachers who want to enhance their understanding of the 3-dimensional nature of Kentucky science standards, especially how to support students in developing skill and proficiency with the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts. Ideal for teacher teams who teach the same course and use the same tasks.

Why attend?
The KDE Science Through Course Tasks are an underutilized resource available to any Kentucky teacher. Investing time in how to use these tasks effectively will pay huge dividends for teachers and students, and support the shifts necessary to attain the exciting vision of Kentucky science standards.

Participants limited to: 15 or
(12 teams of multiple participants)