CTL’s Artful Reading (AR) curriculum integrates the arts into literacy instruction while meeting both National Arts and Literacy standards. Artful Reading promotes a thoughtful approach to reading, writing, speaking, and listening by utilizing high-interest and varied texts, arts materials, and lesson plans. It engages students in visual arts, dance, music, and drama experiences to make more powerful literacy connections.
Program Design
CTL’s Artful Reading program strengthens literacy instruction by integrating the arts. Arts integration uses teaching practices that have been shown in brain-based research to improve comprehension and long-term retention.
The provided lessons, grounded in research-based instructional strategies, engage students in visual arts, dance, music, and theatre experiences to make powerful literacy connections while meeting both National Literacy standards and National Core Arts Anchor standards. Artful Reading promotes an innovative and rigorous approach to reading, writing, speaking, and listening by utilizing high-interest and varied texts along with unique arts materials.
Each module contains a picture book, supplemental texts, arts materials, and lesson plans to deliver the standards-aligned lessons. This field-tested curriculum model supports enhanced literacy and arts instruction. The model is designed to support students in preschool through 8th grade in developing comprehensive reading skills. Each module taps into the classroom teacher’s prior knowledge about literacy instruction and arts integration. The materials are built around a structure for before-, during-, and after-reading that addresses key literacy developmental skills using arts-based strategies and contexts to deeply engage students in learning. The materials immerse students and teachers in learning in, through and about the arts.
Lesson Design
Lesson plans for each module contain comprehensive literacy components, including:
- Tiered Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension: Before, During, After Reading Activities
- Academic Dialogue
- Writing to Learn
- Writing to Demonstrate Learning: Informational, Narrative, and Opinion Writing Tasks (K – 5)
- ECERS-aligned Centers (Pre-K)
- Project-Based Learning Experiences (6-8)
- Summative and Formative Assessments
- Gradual Release Process
- Extension Activities to Differentiate & Scaffold Learning
- Recommended Topic-Related Texts for Independent and Adult-Directed Reading to Support Building Background Knowledge